11.11.2023 - Sorry about that...
Some code injection into the site diverted you all to some dodgy Chinese gambling site, should be fixed now.
Still Alive BTW! So that's nice!
17.6.2019 - You're gonna laugh...
So the HTTPS version of the site has been broken for quite a while, and I've made a few attempts at fixing it, but never managed to crack it.
Turns out my old draconian hotlinking protection was set up to only allow http://www.system16.com to use images, so I added https://www.system16.com and now it works.
I'm an idiot.
Also, still alive! Hi! Thanks for all the emails telling me it was broken and asking if I'm OK, I am, just very busy with real life at the moment!
3.11.2017 - Out Run!
- Continuing with the one at a time updates, this one took a while because I ended up falling down a rabbit hole and wanted to get it right, because...well, it's Out Run isn't it?
Sega - I've updated the Out Run Hardware page to the new standard, loads of new pictures but especially exciting for me is that I found pictures of an honest to goodness genuine dedicated Turbo Outrun Deluxe motion cabinet, which I didn't even know existed!
Exciting times! ;)
24.9.2017 - Welcome to the Fantasy Zone!
- Just one page updated this time, but it's been a labour of love :)
Sega - Completely redid the Sega Space Harrier Hardware page and brought it up to the new standard, replacing every image with the best ones I could find (which wasn't easy at times and required some substantial image manipulation at others), thanks to Martin Lawes for getting me a decent picture of a hang on control panel and Hannes Slanec for linking to a picture of a Super Hang On conversion.
I'm not sure this page had been updated since I did some of it over 15 years ago...crazy really. Loving doing it this way tho' at the moment :)
3.9.2017 - New Hardware! New Toys!
- Working my way through my emails at the moment, quite enjoying it :)
Capcom - Created Capcom Medal Hardware page, a totally custom SH4 based system. Moved Donkey Kong Jungle Fever and Banana Kingdom from Triforce Hardware to it, added Alien The Arcade Medal Edition and Pingu's Ice Block to it with the relevant pictures and screenshots, thanks to Zak and Metallic.
Konami - Dive Bomber was found! (OK, over a year ago) Moved from unknown to Konami Unique Hardware (hah!), this has been on the grail list for as long as I've been doing the site when I found a vague reference on an obscure Japanese blog, so great it's been found! Thanks to Shoutime and Haze.
- Moved Dog Station Deluxe picture to, err, Dog Station Deluxe (oops), thanks Diet Go Go Fan.
- Moved Premier Soccer '95 from Unknown to System GV, it was a PSX game so almost certainly had a direct port, thanks to solitarius576, added a few alternate names, additional versions and screenshots for Beat the Champ, Hyper Olympic in Nagano and Tokimeki Memorial Oshiete Your Heart.
Namco - Deleted Counter Strike Neo White Memories (it was a online novella), thanks to Morden, moved 2 screenshots from Counterstrike Neo to V2 on N2 Satellite Hardware, thanks to F1ReB4LL.
Other - Renamed 3D0 to 3DO everywhere I could find it, thanks to Kasey Smith.
- Added Kuru Kuru Fever and Hi Pai Paradise to Aleck64 Hardware thanks to NFG (see, I do read my emails...eventually), while I was there I also updated screenshots to a few other games as well, including a title screen for the still missing Variant Schwanzer and Rev Limit cartridges.
- That's it for now, I'm pretty sure they're going to carry on being little updates from now on (even tho' there was a fair bit of work went into those few page updates!),
31.8.2017 - Indulging myself
- So I'm going to try something new, going through existing pages of hardware "systems" and adding as much information as possible, no idea why I started with Atari but there you go, maybe because it was the first in the menu ;)
- The main idea behind this was that previously updating the site was a bit of a shotgun affair and really hard to organise what I was actually doing (including remembering what I'd updated to write it here!), breaking it down into manageable chunks makes it seem less like climbing Everest with a fork.
- That being said I still ended up breathing on Atari Laserdisc, something I never even intended to do...
- Renamed Sprint 1 to Sprint One, because that's what it's called.
Atari - Completely redid the Atari System 1 and System 2 Pages, added loads of pictures, information and technical data.
- Added Battlestar Galactica, Golf Trainer, Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom, Knight Rider, Malibu Grand Prix, Play Land and Spook to the Atari Laserdisc Hardware page, also added better pictures of the Road Runner laserdisc game and loads of other information.
- Moved Crime Patrol, Crime Patrol 2, Dragons Lair, Dragons Lair 2, Gallaghers Gallery, Last Bounty Hunter, Mad Dog McCree, Mad Dog McCree 2, Space Ace, Space Pirates and Who Shot Johnny Rock from Atari Laserdisc Hardware to the Atari Licensed page, as Atari just acted as a distributor for these (generally in the UK/Europe, where I live!).
- And that's it! Always loads still to go, but now I have a cunning plan! (again)
26.8.2017 - Err, Hi...
- Just an update that I'm still about/alive and interested, real life has a habit of getting in the way and I've got another hobby now as well which I'm very much enjoying!
- I've had some interesting stuff sent to me over the past year or so and I really do need to get around to adding it, thanks to all those who keep sending stuff in, I do promise I'll sort it out and add what needs to be added, and update what needs updating :)
Hopefully some stuff soon, you can follow me on facebook, I don't update much so it won't be a spamfest, I just tend to post when I've updated the site or somethings really interested me in relation to arcades,
- edit* I've fixed a lot of broken links involving Atari Slapstic all over the Atari section, thanks to Chad Kary for pointing one out and making me fall down that rabbit hole ;)
(O yeah! Go and play Sonic Mania, it's awesome!)
31.3.2016 - Back to the Old Skool
- OK, so when I said I might do another update soon I may have been exaggerating... ;)
- That being said, I got all excited the other day and decided to add another section as I'm going to try and unravel some of the mess that is the cross licensing can of worms that took place in the mid 70's, and as a start I've added a section I've been meaning to do for some while...
Exidy! - Added an Exidy Section!
Thanks to Stiletto, the Undumped Wiki, Diet Go Go Fan and Keith Smiths The Golden Age Arcade Historian blog.
- Now I've got that out of my system I'll go back into hibernation, I still have a load of emails and far too much to catch up on, but I enjoyed messing around adding the new stuff, probably needs some tidying up but that's for another day/week/month/year...
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