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Anti Aircraft (1975) by Atari on Atari Discrete Logic
Baby Doll (1975) by Sega on Sega Electromechanical Pinball
Bullet Mark (1975) by Sega on Sega Discrete Logic
Crash N' Score (1975) by Atari on Atari Discrete Logic
Crossfire (1975) by Atari on Atari Discrete Logic
Destruction Derby / Demolition Derby (1975) by Exidy on Exidy Discrete Logic
Dodgeball (1975) by Atari on Atari Discrete Logic
Dodgem (1975) by Atari on Atari Discrete Logic
Duck Shoot (1975) by Sega on Sega Discrete Logic
Erase (1975) by Sega on Sega Discrete Logic
Goal IV (1975) by Atari on Atari Discrete Logic
Gun Fight (1975) by Midway on Midway 8080
Hi-Way (1975) by Atari on Atari Discrete Logic
Indy 800 (1975) by Atari on Atari Discrete Logic
Jet Fighter (1975) by Atari on Atari Discrete Logic
Jet Fighter Cocktail (1975) by Atari on Atari Discrete Logic
Last Inning (1975) by Sega on Sega Discrete Logic
Launch Aircraft (1975) by Atari on Atari Discrete Logic
Pursuit (1975) by Atari on Atari Discrete Logic
Racer (1975) by Midway on Midway Discrete Logic
Shark Jaws (1975) by Atari on Atari Discrete Logic
Speed Race DX (1975) by Taito on Taito Discrete Logic
Steeplechase / Astroturf (1975) by Atari on Atari Discrete Logic
Table Foosballer (1975) by Exidy on Exidy Discrete Logic
Table Pinball (1975) by Exidy on Exidy Discrete Logic
Tank II (1975) by Atari on Atari Discrete Logic
TV Flipper (1975) by Midway on Midway Discrete Logic
TV Pinball / The Sting (1975) by Exidy on Exidy Discrete Logic
Western Gun (1975) by Taito on Taito Discrete Logic
Wheels (1975) by Midway on Midway Discrete Logic
Wheels II (1975) by Midway on Midway Discrete Logic

All content is © 1999- Toby Broyad, all rights reserved.
All names and images used are trademarked by their respective trademark holders.
System16 takes no responsibility for the content of any linked websites.

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