Main CPU : 6502
Emulators : MAME
Cloak & Dagger / Agent X
1983 |
CPU : 2 x 6502's 1MHz, 1.25MHz
Sound : 2 x Pokey @ 1.5MHz
Notes : Agent X was the original name for Cloak & Dagger.
| Flyers (external link) : Flyer (@ flyerfever.com)
| Magazine reviews : C+VG Jun '84 |
Cloud 9 / Weather War
1983 (Prototype) |
CPU : 6502 @ 1.512 MHz
Sound : 2 x Pokey @ 1.5 MHz
Notes : Weather War was the pre production name.
| Notes : Cloud 9 was originally supposed to be written by Dona Bailey (the coder for Centipede), but she left and Paul inherited it. The original game concept had a plug in the bottom of the screen that the character had to pull to let the water out. This game unfortunately only received one weekend of play testing at one location before being cancelled. |
1982 (Prototype) |
CPU : M6502 @ 1.512 MHz
Sound : 2 x Pokey @ 1.512 MHz
Notes : Touchscreen Game.
Notes : QWAK was a "15-puzzle" game with cute animations and it shares with MM2 the distinction of using "Motion Objects" for text. The developers are unsure whether this was originally designed for a touch-screen or not. It could have been a joystick game that happened to be in development when they were interested in evaluating touch-screen technology. They felt that the touch-screen would make a more intuitive interface, but were apparently wrong. The most common comment at the focus-group was "could you put a joystick or buttons on it. It would be easier"...
| Flyers (external link) : Flyer 1 (@ flyerfever.com), Flyer 2 (@ flyerfever.com) |
Return Of The Jedi
1984 |
CPU : 2 x 6502's @ 2.5 MHz, 1.512 MHz
Sound Chip : 4 x Pokey @ 1.512 MHz, TMS5220 @ 673 KHz
Notes : Used a special graphics dithering method to make the graphics smoother, one of the very first uses of anti-aliasing type hardware ever used.
| Flyers (external link) : Flyer (@ flyerfever.com)
| Magazine Reviews (external link) : C+VG Dec '84 |
Prequel :
Star Wars (1983)
Sequel :
The Empire Strikes Back (1985)
Road Runner
198? (Prototype) |
No images available |
1983 (Prototype) |
CPU : M6502 @ 1.512 MHz
Sound : 2 x Pokey @ 1.512 MHz
Notes : The game was quite simple...you were driving a train. The train had forward and reverse, plus a jump and "track switch" button. The track had a bunch of mailbags you were supposed to pick up. It also had other trains on the track that you either avoided or jumped over (or crashed into) |
Tetris Cocktail
1989 |
CPU : 6502 @ 1.789772 MHz
Sound : 2 x Pokey @ 1.789772 MHz
Protection Chip : Slapstic 137412-101 F.A.Q.