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CPU : 2 x Hitachi SH-4 128 bit RISC CPU with graphic functions @ 200 MHz 360 MIPS / 1.4 GFLOPS
Graphic Engine : Sega Custom 3D
Sound Engine : 2x ARM7 Yamaha AICA @ 45 MHz with internal 32-bit RISC CPU, 64 channel ADPCM
Main Memory : 64 Mbytes
Graphic Memory : 28 Mbytes
Sound Memory : 8 Mbytes
Media : ROM Board (max 352 MBytes)
Simultaneous Number of Colors : Approx. 16,770,000 (24bits)
Resolution : 24 KHz, 496x384, 31 KHz 640x480
Polygons : 2 Million polys a sec
Shading : Phong Shading
Lighting : Horizontal, Spot, 1024 lights per scene, 4 lights per polygon, 8 window surfaces.
Effects : (at least) Phong Shading, Fog, Depth Queueing, Stencil, Shadow, Motion blur
Others Capabilties : Bitmap Layer x 2, Calender, Dual Monitor (24 kHz)
Extensions : communication, 4 channel audio, PCI, MIDI, RS-232C
Connection : Jamma Video complient
Notes : This board was totally custom and very expensive to produce, it was only really designed for one game (Brave Fire Fighters) as it could do complex fire/water graphics.
There were eventually only 6 games made for this system beforce it was dropped in favour of the much cheaper Naomi 2.
It was also the first arcade board to be able to do phong shading.
Pictures (large) : Main PCB - Sound Board - Comm Board - Rom Board Left Side - Rom Board Right Side - Main Board Up Left - Main Board Up Right - Main Board Down Left - Main Board Down Right - Custom A - Custom B

Air Trix
Brave Fire Fighters
Cyber Troopers Virtual On 4
Nascar Racing
Planet Harriers
Star Wars Racer Arcade

Air Trix
Air Trix
Air Trix Air Trix
Air Trix Air Trix
Flyers : Normal Flyer - USA Flyer
Prequel : Top Skater (1997)
Sequel : Ollie King (2004)

Brave Fire Fighters
Brave Fire Fighters
Brave Fire Fighters Brave Fire Fighters
Brave Fire Fighters Brave Fire Fighters
Flyers : Normal Flyer - Other Flyer
Other images : Cabinet

Cyber Troopers Virtual On 4
Cyber Troopers Virtual On 4
Cyber Troopers Virtual On 4 Cyber Troopers Virtual On 4 Cyber Troopers Virtual On 4
Flyers : Normal Flyer
Prequels : Virtual On : Cyber Troopers (1996) - Virtual On Oratorio Tangram / Cyber Troopers Virtual On Oratorio Tangram (1998) - Virtual On Oratorio Tangram M.S.B.S.Ver.5.66 (2000)

Nascar Racing
Sega / Electronic Arts - 2000
Nascar Racing
Nascar Racing Nascar Racing
Nascar Racing Nascar Racing
Flyers : Normal Flyer
Cabinets : Twin
Course Pictures : Richmond - Talladega - Watkins Glen

Planet Harriers
Planet Harriers
Planet Harriers Planet Harriers
Planet Harriers Planet Harriers
Flyers : Normal Flyer
Cabinets : Twin

Star Wars Racer Arcade
Sega / Lucasarts - 2000
Star Wars Racer Arcade
Star Wars Racer Arcade Star Wars Racer Arcade
Star Wars Racer Arcade Star Wars Racer Arcade
Flyers : Normal Flyer - Other Flyer - Alternate Flyer - Twin Cabinet Flyer
More Shots : Flyby 1 - Flyby 2 - Flyby 3
Cabinets : Twin - Mini Deluxe - Deluxe Linked
Prequels : Star Wars Arcade (1994) - Star Wars Trilogy (1998)


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All names and images used are trademarked by their respective trademark holders.
System16 takes no responsibility for the content of any linked websites.

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