Atari were the kings of prototypes, with more documented pieces of prototype hardware available than probably all the other manufacturers put together...
Bounty Hunter
199? (Prototype) |
No images available | Notes From Scott : Runs on similar hardware to Cyber Storm. |
Cyber Storm
1993 (Prototype) |
Cabinets : Cabinet - Board
| Notes From Scott : Here is another Atari prototype that never made it to market. This is a fighting game with cool robot characters. The PCB is of a type that I have never seen before this hardware was rumored to have cost over $1,000,000 to design. No games were every released on this type of hardware. Another prototype called 'Bounty Hunter' also runs on similar hardware. This is supposed to be one of three dedicated units that exist. I know of one other boardset, but I have not been able to locate any of the other dedicated units. The other board may have come out of a dedicated unit that was converted to something else. |
Marble Madness 2 / Marble Man
1991 (Prototype) |
Boards : PCB
| Cabinets : Front - Side - Marquee
| Notes : Controlled by a joystick instead of a trackball.
| Notes (Scott) : The game collected well while on field test, but was built during the Street Fighter era. Atari decided to produce 'Guardians of the Hood' instead (a fighting game). I have paperwork that shows that Marbleman was actually approved for production, but the order was cancelled a few days later. The paperwork shows that 750 kits dedicated units were to be produced, followed by 3000 kits. Atari was fighting a losing battle in the arcades at that time, and they went with their 'fighting game' instead. They actually sold a large number of Guardians of the Hood. |
Prequel :
Marble Madness (1984)