Main CPU : MIPS R5000 @ 200MHz (system clock 50MHz)
System Memory : 8MB, 512KB Boot ROM.
Graphics : 3DFX FBI with 2MB frame buffer, 2 x 3DFX TMU with 4MB texture memory.
Sound CPU : CAGE Sound System (33MHz TMS32C031 @ 33MHz)
Sound Memory : 8MB ROM, 512KB Boot ROM.
Other Chips : Galileo GT64010 system controller, National Semiconductor PC87415 IDE controller, Midway I/O ASIC, SMC91C94 ethernet controller, ADC0848 8 x A-to-D converters,
Board composition : Main PCB and Hard Drive.
Hardware Features : Textured 3D, all normal 3DFX features.
Emulators : MAME